Community Feedback

As providers of support services, we know the first step in caring for our community is to amplify and empower the voices and experiences of those we aim to support!

That is why we are collecting community feedback. We want to hear from individuals who have experienced unhealthy relationships or domestic violence because they know best the barriers they faced, the supports they felt supported them, and the services that weren’t helpful. Our goal is to determine needs and gaps in current services: what is working, what isn’t working, and what else we can do to support.

You are the expert of your story

By sharing your experiences with us, you will help True North
~ adjust & revise our current programming,
~ develop support programs as we plan for our future second-stage housing project,
~ develop stronger preventive community programming, and
~ advocate on behalf of the community to our local and provincial governments.

Your experiences ⁠will help shape our communities into healthier, safer places to live!

Ways to Share Community Feedback


We can arrange for an in-person interview (coffee & treats provided by us!), a phone interview, or a Zoom interview. These are informal conversations where you are welcome to share as much or as little of your story & feedback as you would like!


We also have an anonymous survey as a barrier-free way for you to share your feedback. You can find the survey below. 

Please note that you did not have to have received support from True North or any other shelter service to participate. Sharing with us why you chose to – or were unable to – access support is valuable. We hope to gain a broader understanding of True North’s place in our community, in our province, and nationally, to better learn how we can grow to best support individuals impacted by violence.

You are the master of your story. The choice to share as much, or a little, as you would like is yours!

Thank you for your time and consideration for participating in True North’s community feedback project.

Concerns & Questions?

Please feel free to reach out to Amanda at with any questions or concerns you may have.