
Our volunteers Make a Difference!

Volunteers Make a Difference. Join True North today!


We have many individual, group, and corporate opportunities available.

Have you ever wanted to dedicate your time and talents to a great cause?

There are lots of benefits to volunteering! Giving back to your community is beneficial to our mental health, creating a sense of belonging, and strengthening community relationships. Volunteering allows you to connect with others while creating a positive impact on your community.

Volunteers are an important piece of any non-profit’s backbone. True North’s need for task support is ever-changing and always evolving. Helpers are foundational in assisting True North to meet individual needs, keep programming running effectively & smoothly, keep the residential program in clean, tip-top shape, and help us save on high operational costs. We are SO grateful for the care of our helpers!

Interested in volunteering?

If you are interested in giving back to True North, please fill out and send a application (pdf) to True North at general@truenorthab.com, and our Coordinator will be in touch shortly!

Please reach out if you have any questions.

View our Volunteer Program here

View the Volunteer Canada Management Handbook here

Host an Event

Hosting an event in support of the True North is a powerful and fulfilling way to help us to create meaningful change in the lives of those experiencing abuse. Financial support is essential for the success of our programs and services at True North; your efforts in helping us achieve these goals are greatly appreciated by all  True North staff, board members, and clients!


We are happy to help you make your event a success; please click on our Host an Event here to learn more. Our Events Coordinator and Communications Specialist will be happy to hear from you: general@truenorthab.com