Executive Director of True North
Welcome Courtney Helfrich!

Report to the Community: Executive Director Message
Although I am new to the role, I have been with the True North Society for 8 years total, filling various different roles along the way. It is a privilege to work for such a value driven organization. As always, we put the needs of the people we serve at the forefront. True North understands that each person and family is unique. Our team works hard to provide client-centered and trauma-informed care.
Domestic violence can happen to everyone. It does not discriminate. We recognize this and believe wholeheartedly that everyone deserves a space to be free of violence. Our goal is to change the world a little bit at a time. We are hopeful that there could be a day where violence impacts no one.
Courtney brings significant passion for leadership, program development, and working with and in partnership with people. We fully anticipate a seamless transition and are looking forward to this new chapter in our evolution.
“The courage to be vulnerable is not about winning or losing, it’s about the courage to show up when you can’t predict or control the outcome.” ~ Brene Brown