Spring Tea

Spring Tea

Spring Tea & Fashion Show Fundrasier You’re invited!  Please join True North at our Spring Tea & Fashion Show 2025 Fundraiser. At True North Society, we are passionate about creating pathways to safety and opportunity for individuals in need. Our mission...
Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence

Teen Dating Violence Did you know, 20% of Canadian teens report experiencing physical violence in their relationship? 35% of Canadian teens report experiencing emotional & psychological violence (youthdatingviolence.prevnet.ca). Teen dating violence can include...
Community Feedback

Community Feedback

Community Feedback Survey Here As providers of support services, we know the first step in caring for our community is to amplify and empower the voices and experiences of those we aim to support! That is why we are collecting community feedback. We want to hear from...
Donor Stories

Donor Stories

Donor Stories  At True North, it is our misson to walk the path with those in crisis: honoring the past, providing support in the present, and awakening hope for the future. We know our Donors & Supporters walk with us in this mission. Our Donors are our...
Roaring 20’s Charity Gala

Roaring 20’s Charity Gala

Roaring 20’s Gala Honoring the past, providing support in the present, and awakening hope for the future. WOW!!! Thank you to all who supported, shared, and attended our 2023 Roaring 20’s Charity Gala! We are so moved by your support; it was an amazing evening...
Finding your True North

Finding your True North

Targeting Housing Insecurity In 2021, True North recognized a need Access to safe, affordable housing remains the single greatest barrier to successful transition from Emergency Shelter. As the housing shortage continues to grow, more and more of our vulnerable...
Drive for a Difference 2024

Drive for a Difference 2024

True North’s much anticipated Drive for a Difference 2024 Golf Tournament a success! Despite the challenges of the rainy & windy weather, supporters joined True North on September 20th at the Strathmore Golf Course for a day of fun & advocacy as True...
Inspiration Awards Nomination

Inspiration Awards Nomination

Nominee’s biography (video submission) that includes a summary highlighting contributions to prevention and/or building healthy relationships. Video submissions are accepted with a maximum length of three to five minutes: length...
Report to the Community 2023-2024

Report to the Community 2023-2024

Thank you all who attended True North’s 2023-2024 Annual General Meeting on June 26, 2024, and helped to celebrate this year’s success together! We have had a fantastic year of change, development, and growth as we work together to make our programming more...
True North and Siksika Nation sign MOU

True North and Siksika Nation sign MOU

True North signs Memorandum of Understanding with Siksika Nation Tuesday, July 25, 2023, True North and Siksika Nation sign MOU: a Memorandum of Understanding and commitment to work together and form a closer working relationship. A Commitment to Work Together The...