Wish List

The needs of our clients are always changing! Donating from True North’s Wish List helps True North meet our client’s personal needs, support our Child & Youth activities, and support our facility’s day-to-day programs!

By purchasing from our wish list, you can feel confident that your contribution is addressing a specific need.

We encourage anyone shopping to support independent and local suppliers when possible! Learn more about our partnerships with Serendipitys and Lil Hoots here.

Common Needs

While our client’s needs are always changing, there are some items we are always  in need of throughout the year:

  • Pantry Support: Donations of canned goods (canned veggies, sauces), dry goods (pasta, rice, cereal), lunch support (yogurt, apple sauce, granola bars) help feed our families in shelter while helping to reduce True North’s food costs.
  • Basic Needs: shampoo, conditioner, soap.
  • Feminine Products: tampons, pads
  • Diapers (of all sizes) and Diaper Wipes.

How to Support True North’s Wish List

If you would like to support True North with any of these items, please email general@truenorthab.com or call 403-934-6634 ext. 0 anytime for details on how to donate. 

Thank you! Your donations are foundational in helping True North support those affected by domestic violence. Providing basic needs helps offer comfort to those who call the shelter home. Your donation also helps True North keep costs low so as we continue to make our space as home-like as possible. Your generosity assists us in fulfilling our care values of compassion, integrity, and empowerment.