Videos We Love.

Welcome to True North’s collection of “Videos we Love:” an advocacy library of movies and digital resources exploring the effects of domestic violence and the resiliency of domestic violence survivors.

Leslie Morgan Steiner author of “Crazy Love” and domestic violence survivor and activist talks about the question that everyone always asks… why doesn’t she just leave? This fifteen minute video is an eyeopening experience and a must watch for anyone who has ever asked why does she stay?

In this seventeen minute TED Talk Psychologist Guy Winch uses humor and experience to make a strong case for everyone to start practicing emotional first aid.

PHD, author, professor and researcher Brené Brown offers up her take on what it means to be empathetic in this short animated video. A must watch for anyone looking for advice on what to say to a friend or family member suffering any type of loss or hardship.

If you’re still struggling with consent just imagine instead of initiating sex you’re making them a cup of tea.

Casandra Brené Brown is an American professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host. Brown is known in particular for her research on shame, vulnerability, and leadership, and for her widely viewed TEDx talk in 2010. Brené has saved the lives of many through her work.

Contrary to popular belief, trauma is extremely common. We all have jobs, life events, and unpleasant situations causing us daily stress. But when your body continues to re-live that stress for days, weeks, months, or even years, that stress changes your brain, creating trauma inside your mind, and that trauma can eventually manifest in your physical body.

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